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Unlock Your Best Performance With Kathartik

Hi, I'm Daniel Russo, a competitive powerlifter and founder of Kathartik.

I built Kathartik to fuel both your body and mind, helping you break through plateaus and achieve record-breaking success.

With a proven formula backed by our athletes' successes. From setting world records to earning top awards, our pre-workout empowers you to stay sharp, focused, and unstoppable.

My Story

I know what it’s like to come home exhausted, with goals in the gym slipping away because your day just won’t end.

I experienced firsthand how even the strongest body can falter when your mind is overwhelmed.

This struggle wasn’t just about managing time—it was about finding a way to stay sharp and energized when every minute counts.

I realized that to truly unlock peak performance, I needed a solution that addressed both mental and physical strength.

I tried energy drinks, coffee, and basic focus formuals, but nothing bridged the gap between physical strength and mental clarity.

Real power in the gym starts with a focused mind—essential for coordinating lifts and pushing through fatigue.

Driven by my passion for biology, I dove into research on brain function and nootropics. I rigorously tested various ingredients in real training conditions—not just relying on theory—to see what truly worked.

With feedback from elite athletes, I refined the formula until it delivered the breakthrough balance between mind and body.

That breakthrough formula became Kathartik—a pre-workout that fuels both mind and body.

With this blend, I broke the bench press world record and earned the SJ Best Lifter Award at NAPF 2024. Kathartik is the result of rigorous scientific research, real-world testing, and elite athlete feedback—all designed to help you break through your limits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kathartik is formulated with a unique blend of scientifically-backed ingredients designed to enhance both cognitive function and physical performance.

Unlike most pre-workouts that rely heavily on caffeine, Kathartik includes a uniquely balanced nootropic blend to enhance focus and have you feeling great for your enitre workout.

Kathartik does not contain any "sketchy" ingredients or unpleasant stimulants. Kathartik is third party tested and produced in an NSF Certified Facility.